That's right, your eyes do not deceive you! That is Boss Dog (aka Trouble) back for a visit to see his momma, daddy and sister. His momma and sister were a little cold to him at first. (See Dinky in the pic above, she wasn't to thrilled with him being that close to her, lol) Banana and him had a great time running around playing with each other though. It was great to get to have him over to play with for a day. When he first walked in, he went straight to Dinky and then tried to nurse on her! Of course, she was having none of that, but it was still sweet that he did that. I caught him in the dog bed with Fat Meats, she was under covers and he was trying to get her and she was having fun with him. It was funny how just alike Boss Dog and Banana are and how alike Dinky and Fat Meats are.

I have been meaning to scan and post this picture for a few weeks now and finally did it - go Brooke!! We did this over spring break. As soon as Tommy saw that big gun, he wanted to do these pictures. They really turned out so cute, I just wanna pinch his fat little cheeks when I look at this picture. When Tommy was just a baby, he had the chubbiest cheeks (see pics below) and this picture just reminds me of that.

One last thing, here are two short videos of Tommy driving a go cart for the first time ever! He had a blast and did a really good job for his first time!
Thanks for looking and I will have some nail polish stuff up in a little bit!
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