This morning my MAC delivery turned up, including my MAC Wonder Woman powder blush in Amazon Princess. I was going to buy Mighty Aphrodite but it sold out while I was choosing what else to buy! However, I am so glad I bought Amazon Princess as it's absolutely gorgeous.
It's a bright magenta shade with a small section of plum. Quite a bright blusher so I wasn't sure if it would suit me. I was actually planning on getting Mighty Aphrodite in the shop today and selling this one but I've fallen in love.
I absolutely love the packaging. I can never bring myself to throw away MAC packaging for some reason (although I always eventually do).
I would never have picked this up in the shop, it seems far too bright for me and also a bit dark but I absolutely love it. It doesn't look a magenta shade when it's on, more like a lovely pink, a bit like I've just been out for a walk in the snow which is what I aim for.
I also bought two eyeshadows, in Naked Lunch and Pink Venus which I didn't swatch because I didn't have my SLR (hence the rubbish picture quality) and also because I'm sure everyone has seen these colours before! If not, Naked Lunch is a lovely light gold beige and Pink Venus is a sparkly but subtle pink.
I also bought this frost lipstick in Sandy B, which I bought because I'd seen it somewhere (on a blog) and totally loved it. BUT I had a problem putting my order through (as the Mighty Aphrodite sold out whilst I was shopping) so had to go back and re-do my basket, but I accidentally selected Frost instead of Matte. Slightly gutted, because this doesn't really suit me so I might have a blog sale in the near future.
I definitely recommend the blush and the eyeshadows. Did anyone else get anything from the WW collection?

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