I was lucky enough to get this lovely little Alkmaar soap from Lush in America from my boyfriend. Graeme was music-ing in the US and went to Lush and asked for something you couldn't buy in the UK. Really sweet of him, not sure where he got that idea from... it's not typical Graeme behaviour, usually I get socks or fridge magnets.
I thought I would do a post on this because there's probably not too many people with it (unless your boyfriend also has random acts of kindness or you live in America). The soap is named after the cheese capital of the world, Alkmaar in Amsterdam. The reason for this being not because it contains any cheese (although that would be interesting, Stilton and Camembert bath bomb pls) but because of the way Lush soaps are sold. They are displayed like large blocks of cheese, cut on cutting boards, wrapped and weighed like a cheese market/deli.
The soap contains honeysuckle and jasmine, which means it smells gorgeous. I think Lush soaps always have that sort of same scent that lingers that makes them unique.
I love the smell of honeysuckle and the smell actually lasts a while after use as well. I've had this soap for a while but I don't want to use it up because it's hard to get (although, Graeme is back in America again in a few weeks!).
I love all the Lush soaps, they always make my skin feel lovely and aren't drying like most soaps. Alkmaar is also vegan too, I don't specifically buy vegan products so it doesn't bother me but it's a plus for any vegans.
A lovely product. Any suggestions as to what I can force Graeme to buy me when he's in America next month?

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