How she was able to send me 10 polishes and not send me a single one that I already own is a mystery to me! If she didn't live so far from me I would think that she had been snooping around my stash!!

She even included three frankens she did. Awesome job there girly!! I can't wait to try them all out and hope to get some pics up soon.

She included a TON of candy! And by ton I mean like at least 3 lbs worth! I didn't snap a picture of all of it, I didn't want any getting a cavity at my expense. I did have to snap a pic of this super cute marshmallow cupcake on a stick though! I can not confirm nor deny if this is still in existence or IN MY BELLY!!

Why oh why did you send these to me? I can't stop eating them! When I gave the bf one and saw his eyes light up shortly after popping it in his mouth, I knew I needed to find a very safe hiding place for these if I ever wanted to taste another one again. Really ladies, if you haven't tried these you really need to.

Awwwwwwe! A sweater for sweet Dinky!! This came just in time for the horrible ice and snow we had too!
There was also a guitar hero game for Little, but as you can see he quickly scurried it off to his room! Thanks so much sister! YOU ROCK!!!!
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