Anyway - I have these swatches, plus the Loreals, plus a franken PLUS a konadicure - that's right, I'm the sh*t!!
This was fairly dense glitter, but I think it would work best over a base color. Shown is four coats, but I think with a base coat you could get away with 3 maybe 2 coats of this. I liked it, but I wasn't wowed by it. I think I'm more of a solid color glitter than with 2 or more glitter colors - it starts getting distracting at that point.

Hmmm - not what I expected at all! Shown is four coats - so this isn't buildable on its own. This is also a jelly base. At first I was majorly disappointed but after the fourth coat I kind of liked the way it looked, VNL and all. I did layer this over a base color and will show that to you in another post today.

Wow, that name is a mouth full! I liked this color and it applied really nice. I love the gold shimmer that goes throughout. A very nice color, and I'm pleased I snagged it for $1.99.
***MOM - this is the color that I think might be what you are looking for for your upcoming pedi.

This was very difficult to work with and I think you can see it in my crappy application. I think it was too thick and I should have thinned it down and then applied it again, but time wasn't on my side. Thought the color was just ok, I was hoping for something a little more pastel and a little less bright, but it is still a nice color.

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