Hi everyone! Today I wanted to discuss a more serious subject: animal cruelty. Being a lover of animals I have been a vegetarian for over 6 or 7 years now, and I'm not planning on changing that any time soon. In all honesty, I'm nowhere vegan, but I am very conscious of the suffering animals go through, to serve us people.
Hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year in outdated product tests for cosmetics, personal care products, household cleaning products, etc.
And if there's one thing I cannot stand, it's innocent little creatures suffering for the sake of testing extremely silly products. And yes, in that case, I consider nail polish to be pretty damn silly too. 94% of animal testing is done to determine the safety of cosmetics and household products leaving only 6% for medical research!
The tests these companies perform are incredibly horrifying. There is a test, the painful Draize eye irritancy test, that involves placing substances into the eyes of restrained rabbits, then recording the eye’s progressive deterioration. Some also use the lethal dose test, forcing substances such as oven cleaner or nail polish down animals’ throats, pumping it into their stomachs through a tube, or injecting it into their bodies, until a percentage of the animals die.
But there is good news, thankfully! In 2013 all animal tested cosmetic and household products will be banned in Europe. And, after doing some research I found out that a lot of our beloved brands are in the green zone.
Let's have a look: In the first column you'll find brands that do test on animals. In the other columns you'll find the companies that don't.
Brands that do test | Awaiting confirmation @ | Cruelty free brands * | |
* = the end product AND ingredients are cruelty free | |||
@ = these brands claim to be cruelty free, emailed them to ask about the ingredients - awaiting response |
Please note that companies do change policies, so if you spot a brand that shouldn't be on either list, please let me know! Also: I've seen this table being used on other sites, please remember I'm still waiting for a lot brands to confirm and I can only be hold responsible for information under the domain of www.lacquerized.com
This needs nuancing though: when a company is claiming that their products are cruelty free, they're talking about the finished end product! Their statement isn't saying anything about the ingredients that have been used, so keep that in mind. I've placed an * asterisk next to the companies that make 100% cruelty free products. When there isn't one, it doesn't imply they're not 100% cruelty free, I just don't know to what degree. If you happen to have more information, please do share!
- Image is property of cosmeticanimaltestingpictures.com
- Find more cruelty free brands
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