Oh no! Yesterday Blogger decided to have my blog post for dinner! So if you experienced some weird things going on around here, it's due to crazy Blogger! I might rewrite it soon, but today I have something else to show you. I've worn both colors before but never combined them. I layered Nfu Oh #56 on top of Gosh' Blue Monday. I just love to layer flakies over glitter, it creates an amazing depth. Application of both polishes is good, but Blue Monday is pretty sheer and needs 3 or 4 coats.

The funniest thing happened today though, I was snapping pics in the kitchen, next to window, and a man stopped to see what I was doing! I only noticed after a while, he stood there watching, and stayed there for like 2 minutes! I wasn't even dressed yet :'). Of course I ran away, he must have thought I was crazy, making pictures of my hands like that. Did you ever get caught like this? :-D
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