Huge it was! It was in a building about the size of a grocery store. I went straight for the nail polish and this is what I found: (click images to see detail)

I turned and called for a basket STAT!!! All of this glorious polish just waiting for me to snag! There was an old lady that was breathing down the back of my neck - I think she was just drawn by the frenzy I was creating. I bet she was disappointed when I finally moved out of the way and she realized it was just some old bottles of nail polish! Ha ha - serves her right for treading on my territory! lol The top 3 rows were out of my reach so i called for backup! A SA brought a ladder over and we tackled the last couple bottles.
So thanks Fort Smith, AR - thanks for everything!!




This didn't seem very matte to me, so I tried a coat of Matte Magic over it, not much difference, but a little.

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