Ok, here are the final 6 polishes from China Glazes Vintage Vixen collection. I believe this collection is set to be released in early July. Again, some really amazing colors! The formula was spot on as usual for China Glaze, most requiring only 2 coats for full coverage. Let's take a look:

Gorgeous bronzy shimmery brown! Wow, my Mom is going to love this color, she is a huge brown nail polish fan. I'm not a huge brown fan but this won me over, really pretty.

WOWZA! A beautiful red with small gold glitter. I got a close up pic of the bottle so you could see the gold glitter better. What is so cool about this is that the gold glitter accentuates the polish and doesn't take it over, so you get this glinting of gold with out it shouting hey! I'm glitter!!

Jitterbug is another of those cool foily looking polishes. This one was a little thinner and did require three coats instead of the 2 that most of the others only needed. This looks so icy!

I really liked this one (ok, how many times have I said that with this collection?). I love the rose gold color of this. This has that same foily goodness going on and required three coats too.

Tried to get as color accurate of pictures as I could of this one. This one I was just kind of so so about. I wish this would have had that cool foily look to it. It does have some blue glitter sprinkled through out that glints and looks awesome.

Another one I was a little "meh" on. I really wanted to like this one better, but I just didn't. I can't put my finger on it, but it just seems like it needs a little something more to it. This had the slight foily thing going on, but not to the extent that some of the others had, maybe that's what is missing. Still a very pretty color, but one I would label as a "mature" color.
My thoughts on this collection as a whole is that it is just awesome. Collections like this is what makes China Glaze my favorite brand of them all. While I can't say that every color is a must have, at least for me, at least 3/4ths of the collection IS A MUST! Some unique colors and finishes paired with China Glazes great quality is a WIN in my book!